Williams & Beck offers a wide range of environmental engineering services regarding soils and ground water contamination. Our knowledgeable staff works closely with regulatory agencies to keep abreast of changing rules and to establish the professional relationships that help us expedite project solutions.
We have permitted several innovative remediation systems that have out-performed their design requirements.
Pushing Innovation
Designing projects that out-perform their design requirements in:
- Site characterizations
- Hydrological investigation
- Corrective action plans
- Remediation designs
- Groundwater treatment
- Monitoring plans
- Permitting
- Site assessments
- Impact statements
- Mold assessment
- NPDES applications
- Wetland delineation and mitigation
Immediate Spill Response
Williams & Beck offers a wide range of environmental engineering services regarding soils and ground water contamination. Our knowledgeable staff works closely with regulatory agencies to keep abreast of changing rules and to establish the professional relationships that help us expedite project solutions.
We have permitted several innovative remediation systems that have out-performed their design requirements.
Providing the following:
- Site Characterizations
- Hydrogeological Investigation
- Corrective Action Plans
- Remediation Designs
- Groundwater Treatment
- Monitoring Plans
- Permitting
- Site Assessments
- Impact Statements
- Mold Assessment
- NPDES Applications
- Wetland Delineation and Mitigation

Environmental Due Diligence
Williams & Beck provides complete due diligence services for buyers, sellers, and lenders. Environmental site assessments, baseline environmental assessments and Section 7a Due Care Plans are provided within the fiscal and time constraints of your real-estate transaction.
Our experienced environmental engineers, hydrogeologists and compliance specialists work with developers and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (and/or USEPA) to create redevelopment plans that offer protection from future environmental liability that are practical and cost effective.
With the assistance of our conscientious staff, your property transactions will proceed to a successful and timely closure.
Providing the following:
- Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Phase II Investigations
- Remedial Action Plans
- Environmental Transaction Screens
- Baseline Environmental Site Assessments
- Section 7a Due Care Plans
- Risk Assessments
- Geophysical Investigations

Hydrogeological Services
Williams & Beck provides comprehensive hydrogeological services ranging from groundwater fate and transport modeling to geotechnical and environmental geophysics.
Our interdisciplinary team of professional hydrogeologists, engineers, and compliance specialists has extensive experience in water supply and comprehensive hydrogeological investigations. Williams & Beck’s geophysical expertise includes resistivity, electromagnetic, microgravity, seismic reflection and refraction surveys, and ground penetrating radar.
Our extensive experience in varied groundwater and geophysical methods allows us to develop creative, cost effective solutions to a diverse range of environmental concerns.
Providing the following:
- Hydrogeological Investigations
- Environmental/Geotechnical/Geophysical Investigations
- Groundwater and Geophysical Modeling
- Water Supply Services
- Well Head Protection
- Remedial Studies

Brownfield Redevelopment
The environmental regulations that impact the redevelopment of Brownfield sites can be complex and difficult to navigate. After researching the availability of grant, loan and tax incentive programs, our seasoned environmental teams perform complete due diligence for property transactions, ensuring protection from future environmental liability.
With our engineering experience in site development and construction management, we are able to provide you with the guidance and expertise necessary to transform a site liability into a valuable asset.
Providing the following:
- Brownfield Redevelopment Plans
- Grant Writing and Administration
- Baseline Environmental Assessments
- Section 7a Due Care Plans
- Hydrogeological Investigations & Remedial Action Plans
- Feasibility Studies
- Site Development
- Construction Services

Water Resource Management
Hydrogeological studies and investigations are performed to determine resource capabilities and limitations for water supplies. Surface water resources are managed through study and planning programs together with solid design capabilities.
Williams & Beck has the experience and the practical approach to provide the best options for long term, environmentally sound use of water resources. Our commitment to common sense, communication and long-term relationships can bring you cost savings and practical solutions for managing your water resources.
Providing the following:
- Water Supply
- Flood Control
- Drainage District Design
- Drainage Easements
- Resource Management
- Planning
- Wetland Delineation
- Resource Restoration
- Route and Course Survey

Watershed Management
Since 1988 the MDEQ Non-point Source Program has provided grants to dozens of local units of government and non-point entities to develop and implement a WMP.
After development of an MDEQ approved WMP, local units of government or nonprofit organizations can submit grant applications for funding under the Clean Michigan Initiative.
Williams & Beck can guide and assist in developing your WMP, your grant applications and the implementation procedures required under CMI. Our economical and common sense approaches help you provide practical and cost effective plans for managing and improving the surface water quality of your watershed.
Providing the following:
- Watershed Programs
- Watershed Surveys
- Defining Critical Areas
- Watershed Mapping
- Best Management Practices
- Education & Outreach Programs
- Grant Applications
- Prioritizing Pollutants: Sources and Causes